Custom Rom Poco X3 Pro Vayu crDroidAndroid 8.2 | OFFICIAL

Pada postingan Kali ini Akan membaha tentang Custom Rom di Smarphone Poco X3 Pro, Rom ini sendiri merupakan Rom yang sangat rekomendasi buat kalian yang lagi cari custom rom yang paling enteng, mungkin saja anda sedang kesal dengan stok rom MIUI yang kebanyakan Bug, Batrai boroslah dan masih banyak keluhan lainya.

Tapi sebelum kita jauh membahas lebih dalam sebaiknya anda telah siap dengan segala resiko yang ada, data yang terhapus, bootlop dan beberapa resiko pada saat instal custom rom ini, jadi kami telah menganggap anda telah siap dengan segala resiko yang terjadi.

Ok kita bahas sedikit Custom Rom ini karena kebetulan rom sementara menjadi daily driver, Untuk pemakaian yang sudah hampir sebulan tidak ada kendala bug yang sangat berarti yang kami temukan, 

Karena Devices sebelumnya Poco X3 Pro Ini ada Masalah di Gost Tuch atau sentuhan setan, yang terkadang layar bergerak-gerak sendiri. Buka Aplikasi Sembarangan dan ketik-ketik tidak jelas, Mungkin itu pengaruh ROM MIUI 12, Lalu di putuskan untuk install Custom ROM mulai di android 11, Ada ROM Evox, Pixel Experiens, di Custom ROM MIUI Go, MIUI BGST tapi masih banyak yang bertebaran di mana-mana, dan beberapa Performa pada saat main game terutama PUBG batrai agak terasa boros, dan cepat panas.

Dan custom rom jenis lainnya basis AOSP yang tidak disukai yakni tidak dapat memasang ANX Camera, padahal dari segi fitur sudah lumayan oke jika bidang fotografi jika menggunakan aplikasi kamera bawaan dari MIUI, dan setelah itu balik lagi ke Custom ROM MIUI tapi masih terkendala juga refresh rate tidak bisa melock di 90hz.

Lalu sembari mencari ROM yang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dayli driver, dari ferformance, fotografi dan ke awetan baterai pun, akhirnya menemukan Custom ROM yang bisa memenuhi expetasi dalam hal dayli driver baik bermain game.

Keutamaannya adalah Batrai Lumayan Awet pada saat bermain game maupun sosmed, layar bisa di setting ke 90 Fps, include aplikasi kamera bawaan MIUI ANX Camera, dan yang terpenting tidak usah instal modul 09 fps bermain PUBG, karna di rom ini sudah otomatis support settingan grafik 90 fps.

namun ada satu kekurangan pada rom ini karena tidak includenya gapps atau google aplikasi jadi harus di lakukan instalasi terpisah.

lalu apa lagi kekurangan dari rom ini, terkadang sesekali di temukan langsung reboot sendiri tapi ini sangat jarang terjadi ketika pada saat digunakan ini mungkin disebabkan masih ada bug yang belum dapat fix oleh pihak developernya. Link Download kami telah sedikan 

Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
Build type: Weekly / Stable
Device: Poco X3 Pro (vayu)
Device maintainer: Pranav Vashi (neobuddy89)
Required firmware: MIUI (Global): V12.5.7.0.RJUMIXM

Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
7th March, 2022

!!Clean Flash Required if coming from build before 22nd Feb!!

Short changelog:
* Added toggle to disable QS on secure lockscreen
* Added toggle to disable Power Menu on secure lockscreen
* Added Airplane mode and Device control toggles for power menu
* Added customization to hide clock on launcher screen
* Added gesture navigation customizations
* Added toggle to enable kill button on notification long press
* Improved Hidden & Protected apps for launcher
* vayu: Updated blobs from V13.0.3.0.SJUMIXM
* vayu: Merged latest CAF tag LA.UM.9.1.r1-11700-SMxxx0.0 for kernel
* vayu: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.269 stable release


New recovery update also available.

25th February, 2022

!!Clean Flash Required if coming from build before 22nd Feb!!

Short changelog:
* Added face unlock customization
* Added toggle to combine wifi and mobile signal icons (A12)
* Added timeout feature for wifi and bluetooth
  (auto disable inactive wifi/bluetooth after specified time)
* Trivial fixes and misc bionic optimizations
* vayu: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.268 stable release

22nd February, 2022

!!Clean Flash Required!!

Short changelog:
* Added toggle to enable device spoof for FPS in select games (crdroid > misc)
* Added toggle to disable device spoof for unlimited storage in Google Photos
* Added settings to change volume dialog timeout
* Added settings to change volume dialog on left/right
* Added new Navbar styles for 3-button navbar (crdroid > UI)
* Added new Outline icon pack (for system icons)
* Added settings to change resolution/FPS for WiFi display output (cast settings)
* Misc fixes and improvements for Data switch tile
* Improvements for launcher dock searchbar
* Fixed local update installation via Updater app
* vayu: Switch to encrypted builds (Use provided recovery and Updater app)
* vayu: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.267 stable release

11th February, 2022

Short changelog:
* Android February 2022 Security update (android-12.0.0_r29)
* Added Force Full Screen apps to customize hide notch bar per app
* Fixed issues with statusbar/lockscreen DT2S toggle
* Fixed issues with ripple animation on unlock toggle
* vayu: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.265 stable release
* vayu: Merge CAF latest tag LA.UM.9.1.r1-11600-SMxxx0.0 for kernel
* vayu: Updated kernel clang to latest google clang 14.0.2

9th February, 2022

Short changelog:
* Added toggle in homescreen to theme icons on google searchbar in dock
* Added per-app volume customization (Settings > Sound)
* Enabled USAP customization
* Fixes for data switch tile
* Fixed music visualizer toggle under Display > Lockscreen
* Added Cloudflare and Adguard DNS server options in Settings
* Moved Extra Dim feature from accessibility to display under Settings
* vayu: Restored Hotword enrollment. This should fix mic issues on call in few instances.
* vayu: Restored previous livedisplay color modes. Clean flash if you find color modes don't change.
* vayu: Fixed few more sepolicy denials

7th February, 2022

Short changelog:
* Added google lens icon to dock searchbar when installed
* vayu: Fixed VoLTE regression

6th February, 2022

Short changelog:
* Added screen off animation customization (crdroid > UI)
* Added toggle to switch to old style mobile indicator (crdroid > statusbar)
* Added pixel like google search bar for launcher
* Added new launcher customizations
* Added toggle to force small clock on lockscreen
* Added toggle to disable ripple effect on unlock
* Added pixel navbar animation, enabled by default
* Added toggle for fingerprint authentication/error vibration
* Added toggle to disable animation when charger is connected
* Fixed Google search app crash on long press home button
* Fixed glitchy charging info on lockscreen
* Fixed few issues with gestural navbar where pill disappears
* Added  customization to set different ringtones for multiple sims
* Added new HarmonyOS font style + improved existing font overlays
* Added new Pavlova UI icon pack
* Added new icon shapes overlays
* vayu: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.264 stable release
* vayu: Updated IMS/CNE telephony stack from MIUI 13
* vayu: Updated hotword detection implementation (flash google search addon)
* vayu: Enabled night light toggle and tile
* vayu: Changed to native implementation for color modes

23rd January, 2022

Short changelog:
* Added Game Space - gaming mode (crdroid > misc OR long press tile)
* Added in-call vibration toggle (crdroid > sound)
* Added toggle to enable blink on call (crdroid > notifications)
* Added deep sleep % info (settings > about)
* Updated Launcher app with many more themed icons
* vayu: Updated audio policies from CAF + proper kernel fix for call recording
* vayu: Updated and optimized ZRam configuration
* vayu: Removed PM QoS and IRQ optimizations (fix drain for some users)

18th January, 2022

Short changelog:
* Added toggle to suppress notification sound when screen is on
* Added toggles to disable location/camera/mic privacy indicators in statusbar
* Added customization to run legacy apps in full screen (crdroid > UI)
* Fixed monet theming issues (Reapply icon pack if issue persist)
* Revamped UI for applying icon packs and font styles
* Added customization to change signal icon and wifi icon styles
* Added seekbar for setting animation values (settings > developer options) 
* Added customization to set minimum interval between notification sounds
  (app info > notifications > minimum time between notification)
* vayu: Adjust statusbar end padding (kill extra space on right)

16th January, 2022

Short changelog:
* Android January 2022 Security update (android-12.0.0_r27)
* Added statusbar colored icon customization
* Added statusbar notification count toggle
* Added led controls (crdroid > notfications)
* Added toggle to disable headsup for most apps
* Added increasing ring volume toggle
* Added option to choose battery percentage position (left/right)
* Pulse visualizer fixes
* OxgenOS icon pack improvements
* Fixed battery estimate in QS
* Reworked power menu customizations
* Redesigned permission prompt dialog
* Bionic, libcore and ART optimizations
* vayu: Fixed auto brightness
* vayu: Fixed missing thermal profiles / sound enhancer regression
* vayu: Fixed various sepolicy denials and neverallows

12th January, 2022

Short changelog:
* Vanilla build - Removed gapps. You can dirty flash this update followed by flashing gapps.
* Updated to CAF Bluetooth
* Fix few crash instances on launcher
* Added landscape battery customization
* Improved FPS info overlay
* Unlocked 90-120fps for supported games (beta)
* Revamped screen recorder
* Use Google Sans clock for lock screen
* vayu: Updated for camera quality
* vayu: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.262
* vayu: Misc fixes and improvements


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